Thiel College—Haer Family Science & Art Connector
Allen + Shariff provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection engineering design services for the renovation of and addition to the Thiel College Academic and Science buildings. The project included a 4,500 square foot renovation to the existing east wing of the Academic Building, as well as construction of an 8,000 square foot addition that extended from the East wing of the Academic Building to the East entry of the Rhodehouse Science Building. Looking to attract new science majors, the design includes state-of-the-art laboratories, a new elevator, and a large atrium for social gathering and studying.
Four pumps were integrated into the existing basement to serve chilled and hot water loops to a roof mounted AHU with supplemental unit ventilators in the labs. Exhaust ductwork for fume hoods and general lab exhaust also required management with low ceiling heights.
Due to the age of the facility and high electrical demand of laboratories, a new 2000A, 208V electrical switchboard and service upgrade was required for the Science Center. Additionally, the Academic Center electrical service was expanded into the new connector to provide additional capacity. Coordination was required to provide these new services while integrating the existing to remain facility equipment. Power was provided via surface raceways, floor boxes, and cord reels at the ceiling to provide an extremely flexible environment for experimentation. A complete building lighting control system was designed to tie the facility together and minimize energy consumption. The lighting energy consumption was drastically reduced from a standard laboratory while maintaining high levels of illumination for research work. A new fire alarm system was also required and coordinated for tie-in with both of the existing building systems to ensure a safe environment.
Additionally, due to the lack of a sprinkler system in both of the existing facilities, a new fire protection system with fire department entrance was coordinated into the connector.
The complete project scope also included the renovation of the nearby greenhouse. The existing greenhouse was demolished for a larger model requiring all new specialty MEP systems with services derived from the nearby connector.
Total Construction Cost = $4.5 million
Total MEP Cost = $1.7 million
Project Details
Client: MacLachlan, Cornelius & Filoni
Square Footage: 12,500
Services: MEP Engineering